4.18. Chapter 4 Spectroscopy#

4.19. Analyze Spectrum#

part of

MSE672: Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy

by Gerd Duscher, Spring 2023

Microscopy Facilities
Institute of Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Materials Science & Engineering
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Background and methods to analysis and quantification of data acquired with transmission electron microscopes.

4.19.1. Load relevant python packages# Check Installed Packages#

import sys
from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound

def test_package(package_name):
    """Test if package exists and returns version or -1"""
        version = get_distribution(package_name).version
    except (DistributionNotFound, ImportError) as err:
        version = '-1'
    return version

if test_package('pyTEMlib') < '0.2023.2.0':
    print('installing pyTEMlib')
    !{sys.executable} -m pip install  --upgrade pyTEMlib -q

4.19.2. First we import the essential libraries#

All we need here should come with the annaconda or any other package

The xml library will enable us to read the Bruker file.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
%gui qt

from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

import numpy as np
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../pyTEMlib/')

import warnings

## import the configuration files of pyTEMlib (we need access to the data folder)

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import pyTEMlib
import pyTEMlib.viz as plot
import pyTEMlib.file_tools as ft
import pyTEMlib.eds_tools as eds

import pyTEMlib.viz as plot

# For archiving reasons it is a good idea to print the version numbers out at this point
print('pyTEM version: ',pyTEMlib.__version__)
Symmetry functions of spglib enabled
pyTEM version:  0.2023.4.0

4.19.3. Select File#

Please note that the above code cell has to be finished before you can open the * open file* dialog.

Test data are in the SEM_example_data folder, plese select EDS.rto file.

datasets = ft.open_file()

chooser = ft.ChooseDataset(datasets)
chooser = ft.ChooseDataset(datasets)
dataset = chooser.dataset*0
for key in datasets:
    dataset += datasets[key]    
FileSelection = widgets.FileUpload(
    accept='',  # Accepted file extension e.g. '.txt', '.pdf', 'image/*', 'image/*,.pdf'
    multiple=False  # True to accept multiple files upload else False
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 1
----> 1 FileSelection = widgets.FileUpload(
      2     accept='',  # Accepted file extension e.g. '.txt', '.pdf', 'image/*', 'image/*,.pdf'
      3     multiple=False  # True to accept multiple files upload else False
      4 )

NameError: name 'widgets' is not defined Function to read Bruker files#

The data and metadata will be in a python dictionary called tags.

import codecs

def open_Bruker(fname):
    tree = ET.parse(fname)
    root = tree.getroot()
    spectrum_number = 0
    image_count = 0
    o_count = 0
    tags = {}
    for neighbor in root.iter():
        if 'Type' in neighbor.attrib:
            if 'verlay3' in neighbor.attrib['Type'] :
                semImage = neighbor
                if 'Name' in neighbor.attrib:
            #if 'TRTImageOverlay' in neighbor.attrib['Type'] : 
            if 'TRTCrossOverlayElement'in neighbor.attrib['Type'] :
                if 'Spectrum' in neighbor.attrib['Name']:
                    if 'overlay' not in tags:
                        tags['overlay']= {}
                    if 'image'+str(image_count) not in tags['overlay']:
                        tags['overlay']['image'+str(image_count)] ={}
                    tags['overlay']['image'+str(image_count)][neighbor.attrib['Name']] ={}

                    over = tags['overlay']['image'+str(image_count)][neighbor.attrib['Name']]

                    for child in neighbor.iter():
                        if 'verlay' in child.tag:
                            pos = child.find('./Pos')
                            if pos != None:
                                over['posX'] = int(pos.find('./PosX').text) 
                                over['posY'] = int(pos.find('./PosY').text) 
                #dd = neighbor.find('Top')
            if 'TRTImageData' in neighbor.attrib['Type'] :
                #print('found image ', image_count)
                dd = neighbor.find("./ClassInstance[@Type='TRTCrossOverlayElement']")
                if dd != None:
                    print('found in image')
                image = neighbor
                if 'image' not in tags:
                im = tags['image'][str(image_count)]
                im['width'] = int(image.find('./Width').text)  # in pixels
                im['height'] = int(image.find('./Height').text)  # in pixels
                im['dtype'] = 'u' + image.find('./ItemSize').text  # in bytes ('u1','u2','u4') 
                im['plane_count'] = int(image.find('./PlaneCount').text)
                im['data'] = {}
                for j in range( im['plane_count']):

                    img = image.find("./Plane" + str(i))
                    raw = codecs.decode((img.find('./Data').text).encode('ascii'),'base64')
                    array1 = np.frombuffer(raw, dtype= im['dtype'])
                    im['data'][str(j)]= np.reshape(array1,(im['height'], im['width']))
                image_count +=1     
            if 'TRTDetectorHeader' == neighbor.attrib['Type'] :
                detector = neighbor
                tags['detector'] ={}
                for child in detector:
                    if child.tag == "WindowLayers":
                        for child2 in child:
                            tags['detector']['window'][child2.tag]['Z'] = child2.attrib["Atom"]
                            tags['detector']['window'][child2.tag]['thickness'] = float(child2.attrib["Thickness"])*1e-5  # stupid units
                            if 'RelativeArea' in child2.attrib:
                                tags['detector']['window'][child2.tag]['relative_area'] = float(child2.attrib["RelativeArea"])
                        #print(child.tag , child.text)
                        if child.tag != 'ResponseFunction':
                            if child.text !=None:
                                if child.tag == 'SiDeadLayerThickness':
                                if child.tag == 'DetectorThickness':
            # ESMA could stand for Electron Scanning Microscope Analysis
            if 'TRTESMAHeader' == neighbor.attrib['Type'] :
                esma = neighbor
                tags['esma'] ={}
                for child in esma:
                    if child.tag in ['PrimaryEnergy', 'ElevationAngle',  'AzimutAngle', 'Magnification',   'WorkingDistance' ]:

            if 'TRTSpectrum' == neighbor.attrib['Type'] :
                if 'Name' in neighbor.attrib:
                    spectrum = neighbor

                    TRTHeader = spectrum.find('./TRTHeaderedClass')

                    if TRTHeader != None:
                        hardware_header = TRTHeader.find("./ClassInstance[@Type='TRTSpectrumHardwareHeader']")

                        spectrum_header = spectrum.find("./ClassInstance[@Type='TRTSpectrumHeader']")
                        #print(i, TRTHeader) 
                        tags[spectrum_number] =  {}
                        tags[spectrum_number]['hardware_header'] ={}
                        if hardware_header != None:
                            for child in hardware_header:
                        tags[spectrum_number]['detector_header'] ={}
                        tags[spectrum_number]['spectrum_header'] ={}
                        for child in spectrum_header:

                        tags[spectrum_number]['data'] = np.fromstring(spectrum.find('./Channels').text,dtype='Q', sep=",")

    return tags

tags = open_Bruker(fname)
for key in  tags:     
    #for key in  tags[spectrum]:     
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[158], line 130
    127                         spectrum_number+=1
    128     return tags
--> 130 tags = open_Bruker(fname)
    131 for key in  tags:     
    132     print(key)

NameError: name 'fname' is not defined
spectrum1 =tags[0]['data']
spectrum2 =tags[1]['data']
offset = float(tags[0]['spectrum_header']['CalibAbs'])
scale  = float(tags[0]['spectrum_header']['CalibLin'])
energy_scale1 = np.arange(len(spectrum1))*scale+offset
offset = float(tags[1]['spectrum_header']['CalibAbs'])
scale  = float(tags[1]['spectrum_header']['CalibLin'])
energy_scale2 = np.arange(len(spectrum2))*scale+offset
plt.plot(energy_scale1,spectrum1, label = 'spectrum 1')
plt.plot(energy_scale2,spectrum2, label = 'spectrum 2')
plt.gca().set_xlabel('energy [keV]');
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 1
----> 1 spectrum1 =tags[0]['data']
      2 spectrum2 =tags[1]['data']
      3 offset = float(tags[0]['spectrum_header']['CalibAbs'])

NameError: name 'tags' is not defined
dict_keys(['image1', 'image2'])
{'Spectrum 1': {'posX': 483, 'posY': 504}, 'Spectrum 2': {'posX': 191, 'posY': 277}}
{'TRTKnownHeader': '\n                ', 'Technology': 'SDDpr', 'Serial': '11960', 'Type': 'XFlash 6|30', 'DetectorThickness': 0.045000000000000005, 'SiDeadLayerThickness': 2.9e-08, 'DetLayers': 'eJyzcUkt8UmsTC0qtrMB0wYKjiX5ubZKhsZKCiEZmcnZeanFxbZKpq66xkr6UDWGUDXmKEos9ICKjOCKjKCKTFEUmSGbYwxVYoZbiQlUiQWqErhV+gj3AwCpRT07', 'WindowType': 'slew AP3.3', 'window': {'Layer0': {'Z': '5', 'thickness': 1.3e-07}, 'Layer1': {'Z': '6', 'thickness': 1.45e-06}, 'Layer2': {'Z': '7', 'thickness': 4.5000000000000003e-07}, 'Layer3': {'Z': '8', 'thickness': 8.500000000000001e-07}, 'Layer4': {'Z': '13', 'thickness': 3.5000000000000004e-07}, 'Layer5': {'Z': '14', 'thickness': 0.0038000000000000004, 'relative_area': 0.23}}, 'CorrectionType': '3', 'ResponseFunctionCount': '21', 'SampleCount': '5', 'SampleOffset': '-3', 'PulsePairResTimeCount': '8', 'PileUpMinEnergy': '4.00000006E-1', 'PileUpWithBG': '1', 'TailFactor': '1', 'ShelfFactor': '1', 'ShiftFactor': '3.720000088E-1', 'ShiftFactor2': '-8.500000238E-1', 'ShiftData': '0.069977,0.005798,0.182983,0.007797,0.276978,0.005798,0.554932,0,1.099609,0,3.292969,0.006397,5.888672,0,0,0,0,0,', 'PPRTData': '0.95,2.891959,1.05,2.195911,1.55,1.700256,1.75,1.604574,3.75,1.155987,4.55,0.980248,5.95,1.003,8.05,1.004377,'}
{'PrimaryEnergy': 20.0, 'ElevationAngle': 35.0, 'AzimutAngle': 45.0, 'Magnification': 2274.1145, 'WorkingDistance': 8.9591}

ax1 = plt.subplot(1,2,1)
for key in tags['overlay']['image1']:
    d = tags['overlay']['image1'][key]
    ax1.scatter ([d['posX']], [d['posY']], marker="x", color='r')
    ax1.text(d['posX']+5, d['posY']-5, key, color='r')

ax2 = plt.subplot(1,2,2)    
plt.plot(energy_scale1,spectrum1, label = 'spectrum 1')
plt.plot(energy_scale2,spectrum2, label = 'spectrum 2')
plt.gca().set_xlabel('energy [keV]')

4.19.4. Find Maximas#

Of course we can find the maxima with the first derivative

from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

# Get a function that evaluates the linear spline at any x
f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energy_scale1,spectrum1, k=1)

# Get a function that evaluates the derivative of the linear spline at any x
dfdx = f.derivative()

# Evaluate the derivative dydx at each x location...
dydx = dfdx(energy_scale1)
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

plt.plot(energy_scale1,spectrum1, label = 'spectrum 1')

#plt.plot(energy_scale1, dydx)
plt.plot(energy_scale1,gaussian_filter(dydx, sigma=3)/10)
plt.gca().set_xlabel('energy [keV]');

4.19.5. Peak Finding#

We can also use the peak finding routine of the scipy.signal to find all the maxima.

import scipy as sp 
import scipy.signal as sig

start = np.searchsorted(energy_scale1, 0.125)
## we use half the width of the resolution for smearing
width = int(np.ceil(125*1e-3/2 /(energy_scale1[1]-energy_scale1[0])/2)*2+1)
new_spectrum =  sp.signal.savgol_filter(spectrum1[start:], width, 2) ## we use half the width of the resolution for smearing
new_energy_scale = energy_scale1[start:]
major_peaks, _  = sp.signal.find_peaks(new_spectrum, prominence=1000)  
minor_peaks, _  = sp.signal.find_peaks(new_spectrum, prominence=30)  
peaks = major_peaks

spectrum1 = np.array(spectrum1)
plt.plot(energy_scale1,spectrum1, label = 'spectrum 1')
#plt.plot(energy_scale1,gaussian_filter(spectrum1, sigma=1), label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
plt.scatter( new_energy_scale[minor_peaks], new_spectrum[minor_peaks], color = 'blue')
plt.scatter( new_energy_scale[major_peaks], new_spectrum[major_peaks], color = 'red')

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 4
      1 import scipy as sp 
      2 import scipy.signal as sig
----> 4 start = np.searchsorted(energy_scale1, 0.125)
      5 ## we use half the width of the resolution for smearing
      6 width = int(np.ceil(125*1e-3/2 /(energy_scale1[1]-energy_scale1[0])/2)*2+1)

NameError: name 'energy_scale1' is not defined

4.19.6. Peak identification#

Here we look up all the elemetns and see whether the position of major line (K-L3, K-L2’ or ‘L3-M5’) coincides with a peak position as found above.

Then we plot all the lines of such an element with the appropriate weight.

The positions and the weight are tabulated in the ffast.pkl file introduced in the Characteristic X-Ray peaks notebook

import pickle 
pkl_file = open('data/ffast.pkl', 'rb')
ffast = pickle.load(pkl_file)

#plt.plot(energy_scale1,spectrum2, label = 'spectrum 1')
#plt.plot(energy_scale1,gaussian_filter(spectrum1, sigma=1), label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
plt.gca().axhline(y=0,color='gray',  linewidth = 0.5);

out_tags = {}
out_tags['spectra'] = {}

out_tags['spectra'][0] = {}
out_tags['spectra'][0]['data'] = spectrum1
out_tags['spectra'][0]['energy_scale'] = energy_scale1
out_tags['spectra'][0]['energy_scale_start'] = start
out_tags['spectra'][0]['smooth_spectrum'] = new_spectrum
out_tags['spectra'][0]['smooth_energy_scale'] = new_energy_scale

out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'] ={}

number_of_elements = 0
for peak in minor_peaks:
    for element in range(1,93):
        if 'K-L3' in ffast[element]['lines']:
            if abs(ffast[element]['lines']['K-L3']['position']- new_energy_scale[peak]*1e3) <10:
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements] = {}
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['element'] = ffast[element]['element']
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['found_lines'] = 'K-L3'
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['lines'] = ffast[element]['lines']
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['experimental_peak_index'] = peak
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['experimental_peak_energy'] = new_energy_scale[peak]*1e3
                number_of_elements += 1
                plt.plot([ffast[element]['lines']['K-L3']['position']/1000.,ffast[element]['lines']['K-L3']['position']/1000.], [0,new_spectrum[peak]], color = 'red')
                plt.text(new_energy_scale[peak],0, ffast[element]['element']+'\nK-L3', verticalalignment='top')
                for line in ffast[element]['lines']:
                    if 'K' in line:
                        if abs(ffast[element]['lines'][line]['position']-ffast[element]['lines']['K-L3']['position'])> 20:
                            if ffast[element]['lines'][line]['weight']>0.07:
                                #print(element, ffast[element]['lines'][line],new_spectrum[peak]*ffast[element]['lines'][line]['weight'])
                                plt.plot([ffast[element]['lines'][line]['position']/1000.,ffast[element]['lines'][line]['position']/1000.], [0,new_spectrum[peak]*ffast[element]['lines'][line]['weight']], color = 'red')
                                plt.text(ffast[element]['lines'][line]['position']/1000.,0, ffast[element]['element']+'\n'+line, verticalalignment='top')
        elif 'K-L2' in ffast[element]['lines']:
            if abs(ffast[element]['lines']['K-L2']['position']- new_energy_scale[peak]*1e3) <10:
                plt.plot([new_energy_scale[peak],new_energy_scale[peak]], [0,new_spectrum[peak]], color = 'orange')
                plt.text(new_energy_scale[peak],0, ffast[element]['element']+'\nK-L2', verticalalignment='top')
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements] = {}
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['element'] = ffast[element]['element']
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['found_lines'] = 'K-L2'
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['lines'] = ffast[element]['lines']
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['experimental_peak_index'] = peak
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['experimental_peak_energy'] = new_energy_scale[peak]*1e3
                number_of_elements += 1
        if 'L3-M5' in ffast[element]['lines']:
            if abs(ffast[element]['lines']['L3-M5']['position']- new_energy_scale[peak]*1e3) <10:
                print('found_element', element,ffast[element]['lines']['L3-M5']['position'], new_energy_scale[peak] )
                #plt.scatter( new_energy_scale[peak], new_spectrum[peak], color = 'blue')
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements] = {}
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['element'] = ffast[element]['element']
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['found_lines'] = 'L3-M5'
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['lines'] = ffast[element]['lines']
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['experimental_peak_index'] = peak
                out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][number_of_elements]['experimental_peak_energy'] = new_energy_scale[peak]*1e3
                number_of_elements += 1
for element in out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements']:                
found_element 51 3604.7 3.597909755
C K-L2
O K-L3
Mg K-L3
Al K-L3
P K-L3
S K-L3
K K-L3
Sb L3-M5
print(out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][0])#['K-L2']['weight'] = 0.5
#del out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][7]
for ele in out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements']:
{'element': 'C', 'found_lines': 'K-L2', 'lines': {'K-L2': {'weight': 0.5, 'position': 277.40000000000003}}, 'experimental_peak_index': 30, 'experimental_peak_energy': 277.577755}

4.19.7. Plotting Gaussians in the Peaks#

Please note the different width (FWHM). Here I guessed the peak width for two peaks.

def gaussian(enrgy_scale, mu, FWHM):
    sig = FWHM/2/np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
    return np.exp(-np.power(enrgy_scale - mu, 2.) / (2 * np.power(sig, 2.)))

C_peak = gaussian(new_energy_scale, .275, .068)
P_peak = gaussian(new_energy_scale, 2.019, .095)

plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'spectrum')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,C_peak*8233, label = 'C peak')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,P_peak*8000, label = 'P peaks', color = 'red')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x18dbf623190>

4.19.8. Origin of Line Width#

Electron hole pairs are created with a standard deviation corresponding to the quantum mechanical shot-noise (Poisson statistic). The distribution is then a Gaussian with the width of the standard deviation \(\sigma\).

For the Mn K-L2,3 peak< this width would be 40 electron hole pairs. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Mn K-L2,3 edge would then be (FWHM of Gaussian is 2.35 * 𝜎) about 106 eV a major component of the observed 125 eV in good EDS systems.

4.19.9. Line Width Estimate#

Fiori and Newbury 1978 From a reference peak at \(E_{ref}\) and the measured FWHM of the peak \(FWHM_{ref}\) in eV, we can estimate the peak width of the other peaks

\[ FWHM = \sqrt{2.5 \times (E-E_{ref}) + FWHM_{ref}^2 }\]

Gernerally we use the Mn K-L2,3 peak \(E_{ref}\) = 5895 eV as a reference. In our spectrometer we got for the setup above: \(FWHM_{ref} = 136\) eV

E_ref = 5895.0
FWHM_ref = 136 #eV
E= 275 
def getFWHM(E):
    return np.sqrt(2.5*(E-E_ref)+FWHM_ref**2)


Using that we get for all peaks in the low energy region:

def getPeak(E, energy_scale):
    E_ref = 5895.0
    FWHM_ref = 136 #eV
    FWHM  = np.sqrt(2.5*(E*1e3-E_ref)+FWHM_ref**2)*1e-3
    return gaussian(energy_scale, E, FWHM)
E= .275 
C_peak = getPeak(E,new_energy_scale)
E = 2.019
P_peak = getPeak(E,new_energy_scale)
E = 1.258
Al_peak = getPeak(E,new_energy_scale)
E = 0.528
O_peak = getPeak(E,new_energy_scale)

plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,C_peak*8233, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,P_peak*8000, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,Al_peak*4600, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')

plt.plot(new_energy_scale,O_peak*4600, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
(0.1, 3.0)

4.19.10. Detector Efficiency#

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.constants as const

## layer thicknesses of commen materials in EDS detectors in m
nickelLayer = 0.* 1e-9 # in m
alLayer = 30 *1e-9    # in m
C_window = 2 *1e-6    # in m
goldLayer = 0.* 1e-9   # in m
deadLayer = 100 *1e-9  # in m
detector_thickness = 45 * 1e-3  # in m

area = 30 * 1e-6 #in m2
oo4pi = 1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi)

#We make a linear energy scale 
energy_scale = np.linspace(.1,60,2000)

## interpolate mass absorption coefficient to our energy scale
lin = interp1d(ffast[14]['E']/1000.,ffast[14]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
mu_Si = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[14]['nominal_density']*100. #1/cm -> 1/m

## interpolate mass absorption coefficient to our energy scale
lin = interp1d(ffast[13]['E']/1000.,ffast[13]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
mu_Al = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[13]['nominal_density'] *100. #1/cm -> 1/m

lin = interp1d(ffast[6]['E']/1000.,ffast[6]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
mu_C = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[6]['nominal_density'] *100. #1/cm -> 1/m
detector_Efficiency1 = np.exp(-mu_C * C_window) * np.exp(-mu_Al * alLayer)* np.exp(-mu_Si * deadLayer) 
detector_Efficiency2 = (1.0 - np.exp(-mu_Si * detector_thickness))# * oo4pi;
detector_Efficiency =detector_Efficiency1 * detector_Efficiency2#* oo4pi;

plt.plot(energy_scale, detector_Efficiency*100, label = 'total absorption')
plt.plot(energy_scale, detector_Efficiency1*100, label = 'detector absorption')
plt.plot(energy_scale, detector_Efficiency2*100, label= 'detector efficiency')
plt.gca().set_xlabel('energy [keV]');
plt.gca().set_ylabel('efficiency [%]') 
energy_scale = new_energy_scale

4.19.11. Detector Parameters from file#

for key in tags['detector']['window']:
    print(f"{tags['detector']['window'][key]['Z']}, {tags['detector']['window'][key]['thickness']*1e-6:.2g}")
{'Layer0': {'Z': '5', 'thickness': 1.3e-07}, 'Layer1': {'Z': '6', 'thickness': 1.45e-06}, 'Layer2': {'Z': '7', 'thickness': 4.5000000000000003e-07}, 'Layer3': {'Z': '8', 'thickness': 8.500000000000001e-07}, 'Layer4': {'Z': '13', 'thickness': 3.5000000000000004e-07}, 'Layer5': {'Z': '14', 'thickness': 0.0038000000000000004, 'relative_area': 0.23}}
dict_keys(['TRTKnownHeader', 'Technology', 'Serial', 'Type', 'DetectorThickness', 'SiDeadLayerThickness', 'DetLayers', 'WindowType', 'window', 'CorrectionType', 'ResponseFunctionCount', 'SampleCount', 'SampleOffset', 'PulsePairResTimeCount', 'PileUpMinEnergy', 'PileUpWithBG', 'TailFactor', 'ShelfFactor', 'ShiftFactor', 'ShiftFactor2', 'ShiftData', 'PPRTData'])
5, 1.3e-13
6, 1.5e-12
7, 4.5e-13
8, 8.5e-13
13, 3.5e-13
14, 3.8e-09

4.19.12. Comparison to generic efficiency#

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.constants as const

def detector_efficiency(tags, energy_scale):
    detector_Efficiency1 = np.ones(len(energy_scale))
    for key in tags['detector']['window']:
        Z = int(tags['detector']['window'][key]['Z'])
        if Z < 14:
            t = tags['detector']['window'][key]['thickness']

            ## interpolate mass absorption coefficient to our energy scale
            lin = interp1d(ffast[Z]['E']/1000.,ffast[Z]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
            mu = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[Z]['nominal_density']*100. #1/cm -> 1/m
            detector_Efficiency1 = detector_Efficiency1 * np.exp(-mu * t)
    t = float(tags['detector']['SiDeadLayerThickness'])*1e-6
    t = .30*1e-7
    lin = interp1d(ffast[14]['E']/1000.,ffast[14]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
    mu = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[14]['nominal_density']*100. #1/cm -> 1/m
    detector_Efficiency1 = detector_Efficiency1 * np.exp(-mu * t)
    detector_thickness = float(tags['detector']['DetectorThickness'])*1e-1
    ## interpolate mass absorption coefficient to our energy scale
    mu_Si = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[14]['nominal_density']*100. #1/cm -> 1/m
    detector_Efficiency2 = (1.0 - np.exp(-mu * detector_thickness))# * oo4pi;

    return detector_Efficiency1*detector_Efficiency2
de = detector_efficiency(tags, energy_scale)    
## layer thicknesses of commen materials in EDS detectors in m
nickelLayer = 0.* 1e-9 # in m
alLayer = 30 *1e-9    # in m
C_window = 2 *1e-6    # in m
goldLayer = 0.* 1e-9   # in m
deadLayer = 100 *1e-9  # in m
detector_thickness = 45 * 1e-3  # in m
area = 30 * 1e-6 #in m2
oo4pi = 1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi)

#We make a linear energy scale 
energy_scale = new_energy_scale

## interpolate mass absorption coefficient to our energy scale
lin = interp1d(ffast[14]['E']/1000.,ffast[14]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
mu_Si = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[14]['nominal_density']*100. #1/cm -> 1/m

## interpolate mass absorption coefficient to our energy scale
lin = interp1d(ffast[13]['E']/1000.,ffast[13]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
mu_Al = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[13]['nominal_density'] *100. #1/cm -> 1/m

lin = interp1d(ffast[6]['E']/1000.,ffast[6]['photoabsorption'],kind='linear') 
mu_C = lin(energy_scale) * ffast[6]['nominal_density'] *100. #1/cm -> 1/m
detector_Efficiency1 = np.exp(-mu_C * C_window) * np.exp(-mu_Al * alLayer)#* np.exp(-mu_Si * deadLayer) 
detector_Efficiency2 = (1.0 - np.exp(-mu_Si * detector_thickness))# * oo4pi;
detector_Efficiency =detector_Efficiency1 * detector_Efficiency2#* oo4pi;

plt.plot(energy_scale*1000, detector_Efficiency , label = 'generic')
plt.plot(energy_scale*1000, de, label = 'UTK detector')
#plt.plot(energy_scale*1000, de* np.exp(-mu_Si * deadLayer) )
#plt.plot(energy_scale*1000, de* np.exp(-mu_Si * deadLayer) * detector_Efficiency2 )
5 1.3e-07
6 1.45e-06
7 4.5000000000000003e-07
8 8.500000000000001e-07
13 3.5000000000000004e-07

4.19.13. Plotting background and lines#

Peaks = []
elements_peaks = []
intensities = []
for element in out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements']:
    el_dict = out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][element]
    position = el_dict['lines'][el_dict['found_lines']]['position']
    weight = 0
    for line in el_dict['lines']:
        if abs(position - el_dict['lines'][line]['position'])<20:
            weight += el_dict['lines'][line]['weight']
    index = np.searchsorted(new_energy_scale,el_dict['lines'][el_dict['found_lines']]['position']/1000.)  
    intensity = new_spectrum[index]/weight
    added_peaks = np.zeros(len(new_energy_scale))
    for line in el_dict['lines']: 
        if line[0] == el_dict['found_lines'][0]:
            if el_dict['lines'][line]['weight']> 0.01:
                p = getPeak(el_dict['lines'][line]['position']/1000.,new_energy_scale)*el_dict['lines'][line]['weight']
                added_peaks = added_peaks + p 
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'filtered spectrum 1')
#plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'filtered spectrum 1',color='red')
for i in range(len(elements_peaks)):
    plt.plot(new_energy_scale,elements_peaks[i]*intensities[i], label = f'Peak{i}')
peaks = np.array(Peaks)
plt.plot(new_energy_scale,peaks.sum(axis=0), label = f'Peaks', color = 'blue')
offset = float(tags[0]['spectrum_header']['CalibAbs'])
scale  = float(tags[0]['spectrum_header']['CalibLin'])
energy_scale1 = np.arange(len(spectrum1))*scale+offset
p = [1, 37, .3, offset, scale]
E_0= 20
E = new_energy_scale
N = detector_Efficiency * (p[0] + p[1]*(E_0-E)/E + p[2]*(E_0-E)**2/E)
N = de * (p[0] + p[1]*(E_0-E)/E + p[2]*(E_0-E)**2/E)

pp = p[0:5].copy()
for i in range(len(elements_peaks)):

plt.plot(new_energy_scale,N, color= 'orange')


detector_Efficiency = de
(29, 3922)

4.19.14. As a function#

def model(p,energy_scale):
    E = energy_scale
    spectrum = detector_Efficiency * (p[0] + p[1]*(E_0-E)/E + p[2]*(E_0-E)**2/E)
    for i in range(5,len(p)):
        spectrum = spectrum+elements_peaks[i-5]*abs(p[i])
    return spectrum
spectrum3 = model(pp[:-1],new_energy_scale)


plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'filtered spectrum 1',color='red')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale, spectrum3)
(0.0, 4.0)

4.19.15. Fitting above function to spectrum#

from scipy.optimize import leastsq 

## background fitting 
def specfit(p, y, x):
    err = y - model(p,x)
    return err

p, lsq = leastsq(specfit, pp[:-1], args=(new_spectrum, new_energy_scale), maxfev=2000)
print( f'element\t end   \t   start ')
for i, element in enumerate(out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements']):
    if i<len(p)-5:
        el_dict = out_tags['spectra'][0]['elements'][element]
        print(f"{el_dict['element']:2s}: \t  {abs(p[i+5]):6.2f} \t  {pp[i+5]:.2f}")
element	 end   	   start 
C : 	  16487.64 	  16444.49
O : 	  3267.00 	  3274.63
Mg: 	  2831.85 	  3127.80
Al: 	   84.40 	  334.63
P : 	  5267.50 	  5499.66
S : 	   82.35 	  234.96
K : 	  2526.57 	  2693.25
spectrum3 = model(p,new_energy_scale)


plt.plot(new_energy_scale,new_spectrum, label = 'filtered spectrum 1',color='red')
plt.plot(new_energy_scale, spectrum3)
plt.plot(new_energy_scale, new_spectrum-spectrum3)


4.19.16. Energy Scale#

What happened?

4.19.17. Detector Artifacts# Si Escape peak#

The 1s state of a Si atom in the detector crystal is excited but then instead of being further detected by absoption a A!!uger electron leaves the crystal. The electron hole pairs of this event are missing and a lower energy is recorded.

Si-Escape Detector Silicon Peak#

Internal fluorescence peak

Si-Detector Sum Peak#

Two photons are detected at the same time. This signal is suppressed by most acquistion systems, but a few are still slipping through. A peak apears at the energy of the sum of two strong peaks.

4.20. Composition#


D.E. Newbury, C.R. Swyt, and R.L. Myklebust, “Standardless” Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis with Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Is It Worth the Risk?, Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 1866-1871

to calculate the mass concentration \(C_i\) from the intensity of a line (\(I_{ch}\)), we use:

\[ I_{ch} = \epsilon (\omega N_A \rho C_i / A) R \int _{E_c}^{E_0} \frac{Q_i}{dE/ds}dE \]
  • \(\omega\) : fluorescence yield

  • \(N_A\): Avogadro’s number

  • \(\rho\): density

  • \(C_i\): mass concentration of element \(i\)

  • \(A\):atomic weight

  • \(R\): backscatter loss

  • \(Q_i\): ionization cross sectiond

  • \(E/ds\): rate of energy loss

  • \(E_0\): incident beam energy

  • \(E_c\): excitation energy

  • \(\epsilon\): EDS efficiency

where: \(N_A * \rho * C_i/A\): volume density of element \(i\) (atoms per unit volume)

What do we know at this point?

\(\omega; N_A; \rho; A; Q_i; E_0; E_c; and \epsilon\)

def BrowningEmpiricalCrossSection(elm , energy):
    """ * Computes the elastic scattering cross section for electrons of energy between
     * 0.1 and 30 keV for the specified element target. The algorithm comes from<br>
     * Browning R, Li TZ, Chui B, Ye J, Pease FW, Czyzewski Z &amp; Joy D; J Appl
     * Phys 76 (4) 15-Aug-1994 2016-2022

     * The implementation is designed to be similar to the implementation found in
     * MONSEL.
     * Copyright: Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code this
     * software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain
     * Company: National Institute of Standards and Technology
     * @author Nicholas W. M. Ritchie
     * @version 1.0

     Modified by Gerd Duscher, UTK

    #* totalCrossSection - Computes the total cross section for an electron of
    #* the specified energy.
    # @param energy double - In keV
    # @return double - in square meters
    e = energy  #in keV
    re = np.sqrt(e);
    return (3.0e-22 * elm**1.7) / (e + (0.005 * elm**1.7 * re) + ((0.0007 * elm**2) / re));
print(BrowningEmpiricalCrossSection(6,277)*1e18, r'nm^2')
2.2633981858464282e-05 nm^2

4.20.1. Back: Detector Response#

4.20.2. Next: Quantify_Spectrum#

4.20.3. List of Content: Front#