Chapter 2: Diffraction

2.8. Plotting Diffraction Pattern#



part of

MSE672: Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy Spring 2025
by Gerd Duscher

Microscopy Facilities
Institute of Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Materials Science & Engineering
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Background and methods to analysis and quantification of data acquired with transmission electron microscopes.

2.8.1. Load relevant python packages# Check Installed Packages#

import sys
import importlib.metadata
def test_package(package_name):
    """Test if package exists and returns version or -1"""
        version = importlib.metadata.version(package_name)
    except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
        version = '-1'
    return version

if test_package('pyTEMlib') < '0.2024.1.0':
    print('installing pyTEMlib')
    !{sys.executable} -m pip install git+ -q --upgrade

if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
    !{sys.executable} -m pip install numpy==1.24.4
print('done') Load the plotting and figure packages#

Import the python packages that we will use:

Beside the basic numerical (numpy) and plotting (pylab of matplotlib) libraries,

  • three dimensional plotting and some libraries from the book

  • kinematic scattering library.

# import matplotlib and numpy
#                       use "inline" instead of "notebook" for non-interactive plots
%matplotlib  widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
    from google.colab import output

# 3D plotting package used
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # 3D plotting 

# additional package 
import itertools 
import scipy

# Import libraries from the pyTEMlib
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../pyTEMlib')
import pyTEMlib
import pyTEMlib.kinematic_scattering as ks         # kinematic scattering Library

__notebook_version__ = '2022.01.22'
print('pyTEM version: ', pyTEMlib.__version__)
print('notebook version: ', __notebook_version__)
You don't have igor2 installed.     If you wish to open igor files, you will need to install it     (pip install igor2) before attempting.
You don't have gwyfile installed.     If you wish to open .gwy files, you will need to      install it (pip install gwyfile) before attempting.
Symmetry functions of spglib enabled
Using kinematic_scattering library version {_version_ }  by G.Duscher
pyTEM version:  0.2024.01.1
notebook version:  2022.01.22 Define Silicon crystal#

#Initialize the dictionary with all the input
atoms = ks.structure_by_name('Silicon')

#Reciprocal Lattice 
# We use the linear algebra package of numpy to invert the unit_cell "matrix"
reciprocal_unit_cell = atoms.cell.reciprocal()  # np.linalg.inv(atoms.cell).T # transposed of inverted unit_cell
Lattice(symbols='Si8', pbc=True, cell=[5.43088, 5.43088, 5.43088]) All Possible and Allowed Reflections#


Because the nuclei of the atoms in a material are positive, there is a small acceleration of the electron within the material.

We add this to the contribution to the magnitude of the incident wave-vector. The acceleration potential is called inner potential and is calculated from the scattering factors \(f_e\) according to (Kirkland Eq 6.10:

\[U_{\vec{G}} = \frac{h^2}{2 \pi m_e e} \frac{1}{V_{unit-cell}} \sum_j f_{e_j} (|\vec{G}|) \exp(-2\pi i \vec{G} \cdot \vec{r_j})\]

which reduces for \(|\vec{G}| = 0\) to:

\[U_{0} = \frac{h^2}{2 \pi m_e e} \frac{1}{V_{unit-cell}} \sum_j f_{e_j} (0)\]

which forms an uniform potential inside the material

# --------------- INPUT ------------------------
zone_hkl = np.array([1, 1, 0])
hkl_max = 35  #  maximum allowed Miller index
Sg_max = 0.03   # 1/Ang  maximum allowed excitation error

acceleration_voltage_V = 200.0 * 1000.0 #V
# -------------------------------------------

wave_length_A = ks.get_wavelength(acceleration_voltage_V)

U_0 = 0  # in (Ang)
# atom form factor of zero reflection angle is the inner potential in 1/A
for atom in atoms:
    U_0 += ks.feq(atom.symbol, 0)
scattering_factor_to_volts = (scipy.constants.h*1e10)**2 / (2 * np.pi * scipy.constants.m_e * scipy.constants.e) / atoms.cell.volume

# Conversion of inner potential to Volts
U_0 =  U_0 * scattering_factor_to_volts

print('The inner potential is {0:.2f}V'.format(U_0))

incident_wave_vector_vacuum = 1/wave_length_A
K0_magnitude = incident_wave_vector = np.sqrt(1/wave_length_A**2 + U_0 )#1/Ang

cent =,reciprocal_unit_cell)
cent = cent /np.linalg.norm(cent)* incident_wave_vector

# zone axis in global coordinate system
zone_vector =,reciprocal_unit_cell)

h  = np.linspace(-hkl_max,hkl_max, 2*hkl_max+1)    # all evaluated single Miller Indices
hkl  = np.array(list(itertools.product(h, h, h) )) # all evaluated Miller indices
g =, reciprocal_unit_cell)              # all evaluated reciprocal lattice points

# Calculate excitation errors for all reciprocal lattice points
## Zuo and Spence, 'Adv TEM', 2017 -- Eq 3:14
S = (K0_magnitude**2-np.linalg.norm(g - cent, axis =1)**2)/(2*K0_magnitude)

# Determine reciprocal lattice points with excitation error less than the maximum allowed one: Sg_max
reflections = abs(S)< Sg_max

Sg = S[reflections]
g_hkl = g[reflections]
hkl = hkl[reflections] 
print ('Of the {0} tested reciprocal lattice points, {1} have an excitation error less than {2:.2f} 1/nm'.format( len(g) , len(g_hkl), Sg_max))

# Calculate Structure Factors

structure_factors = []

base = atoms.positions
for j  in range(len(g_hkl)):
    F = 0
    for atom in atoms:
        f = ks.feq(atom.symbol, np.linalg.norm(g_hkl[j]))
        F += f * np.exp(-2*np.pi*1j*(g_hkl[j]*atom.position).sum())        
F = structure_factors = np.array(structure_factors)

allowed = np.absolute(structure_factors) > 0.000001

print('Of the {0} possible reflection {1} are allowed.'.format(hkl.shape[0], allowed.sum() ) )

# information of allowed reflections
Sg_allowed = Sg[allowed]
hkl_allowed = hkl[allowed][:]
g_allowed = g_hkl[allowed, :]
F_allowed = F[allowed]
intensities = np.absolute(F_allowed)**2 

# forbidden reflections:
forbidden = np.logical_not(allowed)
g_forbidden = g_hkl[forbidden, :]

# Determine Laue Zone for reflections
zone_axis =, atoms.cell.array)
Laue_Zone = np.floor(abs(,zone_hkl)))# works only for cubic crystal systems
#Laue_Zone = np.floor(abs(,zone_axis)) ) # works for all crystal systems
ZOLZ = Laue_Zone ==0
HOLZ = Laue_Zone > 1

print ('Of those, there are {0} in ZOLZ and {1} in HOLZ'.format(ZOLZ.sum(),HOLZ.sum()))

intensities = np.absolute(F_allowed)**2 
The inner potential is 13.90V
Of the 357911 tested reciprocal lattice points, 2109 have an excitation error less than 0.03 1/nm
Of the 2109 possible reflection 405 are allowed.
Of those, there are 57 in ZOLZ and 348 in HOLZ

2.8.2. Plotting of Ewald Sphere#

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.scatter(cent[0], cent[1], cent[2], c='green')
ax.plot((cent[0], 0), (cent[1], 0), (cent[2], 0)) 

# draw sphere
u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:80j, 0:np.pi:40j]
x = np.cos(u)*np.sin(v)*K0_magnitude+cent[0]
y = np.sin(u)*np.sin(v)*K0_magnitude+cent[1]
z = np.cos(v)*K0_magnitude+cent[2]

ax.scatter(g_allowed[ZOLZ,0], g_allowed[ZOLZ,1], g_allowed[ZOLZ,2], c='red')
ax.scatter(g_allowed[HOLZ,0], g_allowed[HOLZ,1], g_allowed[HOLZ,2], c='blue')
ax.plot_surface( x, y, z,  rstride=1, cstride=1, color='c', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0)

ax.set_xlim([-10, 10])
ax.set_ylim([-10, 10])
ax.set_zlim([-10, 10])
ax.set_xlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.scatter(g_allowed[ZOLZ,0], g_allowed[ZOLZ,1], g_allowed[ZOLZ,2], c='red')
ax.scatter(g_allowed[HOLZ,0], g_allowed[HOLZ,1], g_allowed[HOLZ,2], c='blue')

ax.scatter(cent[0], cent[1], cent[2], c='green')
ax.plot((cent[0], 0), (cent[1], 0), (cent[2],0)) 
ax.set_xlim([-5, 5])
ax.set_ylim([-5, 5])
ax.set_zlim([-5, 5])
ax.set_xlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_zlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')


2.8.3. Projection#

We need to project the active reciprocal points onto the plane perpendicular to the zone axis.

For that we tilt the zone axis onto the z-axis

We use the spherical coordinates to determine the rotation matrix

def get_rotation_matrix(zone):
    #spherical coordinates of zone
    r = np.linalg.norm(zone)
    theta = np.arccos(zone[2]/r)
    if zone[0] < 0:
        theta = -theta
    if zone[0] == 0:
        phi= np.pi/2
        phi = (np.arctan(zone[1]/zone[0]))

    print('Rotation theta ',np.degrees(theta),' phi ',np.degrees(phi))

    #first we rotate phi about z-axis
    c, s = np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)
    rotz = np.array([[c, -s , 0],[s,c,0],[0,0,1]])

    # second we rotate theta about y-axis
    c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
    roty = np.array([[c, 0 ,s],[0,1,0],[-s,0,c]])
    # the rotation now makes z-axis coincide with plane normal
    return,roty), np.degrees(theta), np.degrees(phi)
# zone axis in global coordinate system

zone_vector =,reciprocal_unit_cell)
rotation_matrix, theta, phi = get_rotation_matrix(zone_vector)


print('\n Zone axis can now be rotated parallel to z axis')
Rotation theta  90.0  phi  45.0
[[ 4.32978028e-17 -7.07106781e-01  7.07106781e-01]
 [ 4.32978028e-17  7.07106781e-01  7.07106781e-01]
 [-1.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  6.12323400e-17]]

 Zone axis can now be rotated parallel to z axis
[1.59450412e-17 4.81851563e-18 2.60402285e-01] Rotation#

We use the rotation matrix to rotate all lattice vectors

K0_vector_rotated =, rotation_matrix)
cent_rotated = K0_vector_rotated

g_hkl_rotated =, rotation_matrix)
[ 2.45219701e-15 -1.17235322e-15  4.00474164e+01]

Now we can plot these diffraction spots in 2D by just setting the z-coordinate to zero. That is our projection procedure.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,1], g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,2]+10, c='red')
ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,1], g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,2]+10, c='blue')

ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,1], 0, c='red')
ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,1], 0, c='blue')

ax.set_xlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_zlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')


In the above graph the z-axis is much smaller than the x-, y-axis.

In perspective to the incident beam wave vector the ewald sphere appears almost flat.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,1], g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,2]+10, c='red')
ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,1], g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,2]+10, c='blue')

ax.scatter(cent_rotated[0], cent_rotated[1], cent_rotated[2], c='green')
ax.plot((cent_rotated[0], 0), (cent_rotated[1], 0), (cent_rotated[2],0)) 
ax.set_xlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_zlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')

plt.tight_layout(); 2D projection#

To compare this simulation with an experimental diffraction pattern, we only need the 2D projection.

Please note that all calculations were done without rotation. Only the plotting requires that. So rotation and setting the z-coordinate to zero is our projection procedure.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,1], c='red')
ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,1], c='blue')
## Add indices
#for i in range (ZOLZ_plot.sum()):
#    ax.text(g_hk_rotated[ZOLZ_plot][i,0]-2.5, g_hk_rotated[ZOLZ_plot][i,1]+1.2,hkl[ZOLZ_plot][i], fontsize=10)
#for i in range (HOLZ_plot.sum()):
#    ax.text(g_hk_rotated[HOLZ_plot][i,0]-2.5, g_hk_rotated[HOLZ_plot][i,1]+1.2,hkl[HOLZ_plot][i], fontsize=10)
ax.set_xlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_xlim([-6, 6])
ax.set_ylim([-6, 6])

plt.tight_layout(); Forbidden Reflections#

We can now pot the forbidden reflections into this diffraction pattern.

As can be seen the first order Laue Zone (SOLZ) is completely forbidden as are all the other odd Laue Zones.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
forbidden =, rotation_matrix)
ax.scatter(forbidden[:,0], forbidden[:,1], c='green', alpha = 0.5, label='forbidden')

ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[ZOLZ,1], c='red', label='ZOLZ')
ax.scatter(g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,0], g_hkl_rotated[HOLZ,1], c='blue', label='HOLZ')
ax.set_xlabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'scattering angle in (1/$\AA$)')
ax.set_xlim([-6, 6])
ax.set_ylim([-6, 6])


2.8.4. Kinematic Scattering with pyTEMlib#

the kinematic scattering plots can be calculated with the provided kinematic_scattering module of pyTEMlib. All data are gathered in a python dictionary named .

All experimental parameter are stored in[‘experimental’] dictionary and serve as an input to the kinematic scattering calculations.

All results from the kinematic scattering library are stored in the[‘diffraction’] dictionary

Any additional parameter for the output is stored in the[‘output’] dictionary

# copy experimental conditions into the tags directory['experimental'] = {}['experimental']['acceleration_voltage_V'] = acceleration_voltage_V['experimental']['convergence_angle_mrad'] = 0['experimental']['zone_hkl'] = zone_hkl  # incident nearest zone axis: defines Laue Zones!!!!['experimental']['mistilt']  = np.array([0, 0, 0])  # mistilt in degrees['experimental']['Sg_max'] = Sg_max      # 1/Ang  maximum allowed excitation error ; This parameter is related to the thickness['experimental']['hkl_max'] = hkl_max    # Highest evaluated Miller indices
# calculate kinematic scattering data
ks.kinematic_scattering(atoms, verbose=False)['experimental']['plot_FOV'] = 4

# plot diffraction pattern['output'] = pyTEMlib.diffraction_plot.plotSAED_parameter()['output']['plot_labels'] = False['output']['plot_Kikuchi'] = False['output']['plot_dynamically_allowed'] = False 

2.8.5. Generating Spot Pattern#

What needs to be done for a spot pattern

  1. Generate the reciprocal lattice

  2. Rotate zone axis to coincide with z-axis; Rotate reciprocal lattice the same way.

  3. Select all reciprocal lattice points that have an excitation error smaller than S\(_{max}\).

  4. Determine the allowed reflections of those reciprocal lattice points.

  5. Plot these spots (projection is done by ignoring z-axis value, which is the Laue zone).

2.8.6. Conclusion#

The scattering geometry provides all the tools to determine which reciprocal lattice points are possible and which of them are allowed.

The diffraction pattern is a projection onto the plane perpendicular to the zone axis. For an easy projection we tilt everything so that the x,y plane is our projection plane.

2.8.7. Dynamically Allowed Reflections#

Forbidden Reflection that are a linear combination of two scattering events are called dynamically allowed.

For example, the combination of \([111] + [1\bar{1}\bar{1}]\) reflection gives the in silicon forbidden \([200]\) reflection, visible in any \(\{110\}\) diffraction pattern of silicon.

Here we test all combinations of any pair of allowed reflections to see whether they are a forbidden one, in which case they are dynamically activated or dynamically allowed

hkl_allowed =['diffraction']['allowed']['hkl']
hkl_forbidden =['diffraction']['forbidden']['hkl'].tolist()
indices = range(len(hkl_allowed))
combinations = [list(x) for x in itertools.permutations(indices, 2)]

dynamically_allowed = np.zeros(len(hkl_forbidden), dtype=bool)
for [i, j] in combinations:
    possible = (hkl_allowed[i] + hkl_allowed[j]).tolist()
    if possible in hkl_forbidden:
        dynamically_allowed[hkl_forbidden.index(possible)] = True
fig = plt.figure()

points =['diffraction']['allowed']['g']
plt.scatter(points[:,0], points[:,1], label='allowed', color='blue')
#plt.scatter(points[:,0], points[:,1])
points =['diffraction']['forbidden']['g']
plt.scatter(points[np.logical_not(dynamically_allowed),0], points[np.logical_not(dynamically_allowed), 1],
            color='green', alpha=0.2, label='forbidden')

plt.scatter(points[dynamically_allowed, 0], points[dynamically_allowed, 1],color='orange', alpha=0.5, label='dynamically allowed')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x250847458d0> With kinematic_scattering library of pyTEMlib#


# plot diffraction pattern['output'] = pyTEMlib.diffraction_plot.plotSAED_parameter()['output']['plot_labels'] = False['output']['plot_Kikuchi'] = False['output']['plot_dynamically_allowed'] = True['output']['plot_forbidden'] = False 


with forbidden reflections['output'] = pyTEMlib.diffraction_plot.plotSAED_parameter()['output']['plot_labels'] = False['output']['plot_Kikuchi'] = False['output']['plot_dynamically_allowed'] = True['output']['plot_forbidden'] = True 